Sunday, 6 November 2011

Repent or face social boycott: Idara Tahqeeqat-e-Imam Ahmad Raza Kashmir to ‘Christian converts’

General Secretary ,Advocate  Mudasir Naqshbandi, has expressed serious concern over the alleged role of Christian missionaries in converting young Kashmiri Muslim boys and girls to Christianity.
Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, he said some Christian missionaries are trying to alter the Muslim majority character of Jammu and Kashmir at the behest of America and Israel. “We ask Muslims who have fallen for the trap of these missionaries and converted to Christianity to present themselves before Ulema before Eid-ul-Azha, and seek repentance from Allah,” he said.
“ Otherwise, Idara Tahqeeqate-e-Imam Ahmad Raza Baramulla Kashmir  will convene a joint session of Ulema and Muftis on November 11 and issue a fatwa(decree) for social boycott against these converts,”
He said the Ulema and the people Of J&K will not remain silent over the activities of Christian missionaries. “ They are luring young Muslims with money to convert and we will go to any extent to stop their activities,” he said.
Mudasir Naqshbandi said, being a Muslim majority state, liquor should have been banned in Jammu and Kashmir. “Instead, the government under a well planned conspiracy is promoting liquor among youth ,”
He said it was ironic that the government had allowed a liquor shop opposite the Children’s hospital in Sonawar. “If the government doesn’t revoke the license of the liquor shop,  would take to the streets,” he said.
He appealed youth to follow the footsteps of Hazrat Amir Kabeer, Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani, and fight the conspiracies being hatched against Islam.

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