Monday, 7 December 2015

Poverty forces north Kashmir children to labour

By: Mushtaq Ahmad 
BARAMULLA: Poverty is forcing many a children in this north Kashmir district to give up school education and work as labourers under various government and non-government projects.
Imtiyaz Hussain, a class 4th student at Government Middle School in Uri’s Pehlipora area of Baramulla, has been working as a daily-wager under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).
At the tender age of seven, Imtiyaz said that given his family’s poor financial conditions, he had no choice but to work as a labourer after school, closed now for winter vacations.  
"Our financial condition is very low, my father is also a labourer and he can't afford our school fee. That is why I also work with a contractor for the NREGA scheme. I earn Rs 250 per day," he said.
Another child, Showqat Ahmad, a class 8th student of same school said that people living in far flung areas were extremely poor and hence children like him were bound to work to earn money.
"We know it is prohibited, but we are helpless, how we can afford school fee, uniform, books and other things. We have no other option without work in private," Showqat,11, said,
Significantly, current child labour law prohibits children under the age of 14 from being employed in hazardous jobs.
Like Showqat and Imtiyaz, a number of other children are working in hotels, shops and other private business units across north Kashmir. This despite authorities claiming they were providing financial assistance and scholarships to the needy children besides motivating them to go to school.
Mudasar Naqashbandi, an advocate of High court of Jammu and Kashmir said,”
“It is true that there are a number of children in rural and urban areas who work as labourers. There are schemes to rehabilitate these poor children, but all is in papers only.”
Block Development Officer (BDO), Noorkha Farooq Ahmad while taking to Kashmir Reader said that he would look into the matter.
"I don't know where small children are working in MGNREGA, I will visit the area soonn and I will personally check how children are working as labourers, who all are forcing them, and I will action against them" he aded
"If a needy child is working as labourer in any place, it means he has no further source of income, how can we run his family, how we support them. If I stop anyone how can I help them?” asked Aashiq Hussain, assistant commissioner, Labour, Baramulla.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

پاسپورٹ سے محروم کشمیریوں کی کل تعداد؟ حقیقت جاننے کےلئے انسانی حقوق تنظیم نے حق اطلاعات کے تحت درخواست جمع کرائی

سرینگر//پاسپورٹ سے محروم کشمیریوں کی کل تعداد جاننے کیلئے مقامی حقوق البشر فورم وائس آف وکٹمز نے ریجنل پاسپورٹ آفس سرینگر سے رجوع کیا ۔حق اطلاع قانون کے تحت جمع کرائی گئی درخواست میں مذکورہ فورم نے ان درخواست دھندگان کی مکمل تفصیل بھی طلب کی ،جن کے حق میں خفیہ ایجنسیوں کی منفی رپورٹ کی بنا پر پاسپورٹ اجراءنہیں کئے گئے۔مقامی خبر رساں ادارے کے این ایس کے مطابق مقامی حقوق انسانی فورم وی او وی نے اپنے قانونی صلاح کار ایڈوکیٹ مدثر نقشبندی کے ذرےعے سرینگر میں قائم ریجنل پاسپورٹ دفتر میں حق اطلاع قانون 2005کے تحت 2ستمبر 2013کو ایک درخواست جمع کرا دی ۔مذکورہ درخواست کے ذرےعے وی او وی نے اےسے درخواست دھندگان کی تعداد طلب کی ، جن کے حق میں صرف اس لئے پاسپورٹ اجراءنہیں کئے گئے کیونکہ ان کے بارے میں مختلف خفیہ ایجنسیوں نے منفی تحقیقاتی رپورٹ متعلقہ پاسپورٹ آفس کو فراہم کیں ۔ایڈوکیٹ مدثر نے اپنی جمع کردہ درخواست میں حصول پاسپورٹ کیلئے قواعد و ضوابط کے تحت رجوع کرنے والے اےسے تمام افراد کی مکمل تفصیل بھی مانگی ہے ،جن کے حق میں پاسپورٹ کی اجرائی کا معاملہ برسوں سے زیر التواءرکھا گےا ہے ۔وی او وی کے قانونی صلاح کارنے یہ معلومات بھی مانگی ہیں کہ جن درخواست دھندگان کے حق میں خفیہ ایجنسیوں نے اجرائی پاسپورٹ کی ممانعت کر دی ہے ، آےا انہیں پاسپورٹ فارم کے ساتھ جمع کرائی گئی فےس واپس لوٹائی گئی کہ نہیں ۔ریجنل پاسپورٹ آفس سرینگر کے پبلک انفارمیشن یا رلیشنز آفےسر نے وی او وی کی دائر کردہ درخواست وصول کرتے ہوئے جلد سے جلد طلب کی گئی معلومات فراہم کرانے کی یقین دہانی کرائی ۔ادھر وی او وی کے ذمہ داروں عبدالقدیر ڈار اور عبدالروف خان نے کہا ہے کہ پاسپورٹ کا حصول اےسے کشمیریوں کیلئے شجرممنوعہ قرار دےا گےا ہے ،جن کے رشتہ دار بالواسطہ یا بلا واسطہ طور رواں علیحدگی پسند جدوجہد سے وابستہ رہے ۔انہوں نے کہا کہ متعلقہ افراد کے حق میں پاسپورٹ کی اجرائی پر پابندی کے نتےجے میں سینکڑوں لوگ بغرض تجارت ، تعلیم ، ملازمت اور علاج و معالجہ کے علاوہ فریضہ حج و عمرہ کی ادائیگی کے لئے بےرون ممالک جانے سے قاصر ہیں ۔

How many Kashmiris were denied passports? MEA won’t say


SRINAGAR: India’s Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has refused to disclose information sought under the Right to Information (RTI) Act regarding the number of Kashmiris who have been denied passports.
Citing section 8 (1)(J) of the RTI Act-2005, MEA said that the disclosure “will invade the privacy of individuals,” and therefore, cannot be made public.
However, the RTI applicant advocate Mudasir Naqashbandi says the section under which the authority has denied information is being used “on flimsy grounds.”
“Thousands of Kashmiris have suffered in the absence of passports. It’s a public issue, and MEA cannot shield itself under the cover of ‘invasion of privacy’,” said Naqashbandi who had filed the RTI.
In 2007, the Indian Express reported that the intelligence sleuths had prepared a blacklist which the establishment calls a “Security Index”. The list has as many as 60,000 families from the Valley alone, it said.
The High Court in a landmark judgement in October 2009 held that the acquitted persons have a right to hold passport.  Humayoun Yusuf Jan, a Srinagar businessman was arrested by a security agency in connection with FIR No.  130/97 under section 3/25 Indian Arms Act.  The court later acquitted him. But Jan was denied a passport. He moved the court. As per the court directions, the passport had to be issued to the petitioner in four weeks time. Jan was later given a passport.
In his RTI, Naqashbandi had wanted to know the number of Kashmiris who have been denied passports and the quantum amount taken by MEA as fee for processing their passport application only to be rejected later.
Naqashbandi said that since the reply is ‘far from satisfactory’, he will file first appeal against the CPIO under Section 19 (1) of the RTI Act, 2005 in the MEA.
“Only some cases which come under media spotlight and generate widespread attention are cleared. There are thousands of Kashmiris like those wanting to perform Hajj but cannot as they have been denied passports; their sons or nephews were militants, but are long dead,” Naqashbandi said.
Also, he said, the issue “is a scam” as the MEA has taken Rs 1000 to 1500 as a non-refundable fee from every applicant and later denied passports to them. “This amount runs into hundreds of crores.”

Monday, 1 July 2013

Drug de-addiction seminar held in Baramulla

Drug de-addiction seminar held in Baramulla

By TCN news,
Baramulla, J&K: Idara Tahqeeqat-e-Imam Ahmad Raza Baramulla (ITIAR) organized a one-day seminar to combat drugs at Sherwani Hall in Baramulla on “Drugs De-Addiction” on Sunday. The seminar covered the full range of issues associated with the drugs problems at international, national and local levels.
Justice Bashir Ahmed Kirmani was the key note speaker on the occasion. He reached out to those attending the meeting saying the problem of children experimenting with drug abuse has also remained a considerable risk for households as well. He addressed the most fundamental and essential questions about drug abuse- from detecting and responding to emerging drug abuse trends and understanding how drugs work in the brain and body, to developing and testing new approaches to treatment and prevention.

Irshad Ahmad Wani, Principal of the Boys Degree College, Baramulla said in his address that use of drug give rise to many problems. He highlighted causes and effects of the drug abuse. He told that the use of drug in our society is due to psychological and socio-cultural factors. Drug use can be prevented if proper measures are taken, public awareness seminars and campaigns can also be helpful in this matter, he added.
Dr Nazir Mushtaq was also present on the occasion. He said, “There has been considerable growth in cases of abuse, arrest and rehabilitation admissions”. All the sensible and conscious people in the society share a common concern, therefore in order to eradicate this menace in order to eradicate this menace from the society, a joint and well coordinated efforts deserve to be set in motion as the issue is highly heinous in nature, he added.
The seminar broke new ground as it dealt with the global problem of drugs consumption, production and trafficking. “The nature of the problem we face is such that it is important that we look at these issues together and not become compartmentalized in our approaches”, said Advocate Mudasir Naqshbandi, the convener of the seminar. He signaled that the results of the seminar would now be considered in the proposals he was drawing up to provide a new framework for action on drugs in the field of public health.
Senior journalist, Karamat Qayoom was also present on the occasion. He said, “There has been considerable growth in cases of abuse, arrest and rehabilitation admissions”. All the sensible and conscious people in the society share a common concern, therefore in order to eradicate this menace in order to eradicate this menace from the society, a joint and well coordinated efforts deserve to be set in motion as the issue is highly heinous in nature, he added. He reached out to those attending the meeting saying the problem of children experimenting with drug abuse has also remained a considerable risk for households as well. He also emphasized on self-restraint and pervasive control and discipline of the joint family and community.
While government officials do their best to eliminate drugs on the streets, the best thing that communities and individuals can do is spread the knowledge and information about the dangers involved with drugs, said Asst Drug controller Baramulla Parvez Ahmad
Other dignitaries who throw light on the topic were young Islamic Scholar, Moulana Muzaffar Ahmed Qadri, President Teachers Forum Baramulla Rafiq Ahmad Rather, Secretary teachers Forum Ishfaq Ahmad Shah, Abdul Quyoom Wani president EJAC President fruit association Baramulla, leading human right activist Kadeer Ahmad Dar.

In the end Idara Tahqeeqat-e-Imam Ahmad Raza distributed awards among the students who have got first 10 positions in Seerat-un-Nabi Sallhu Alaihi wasalum Knowledge test which was conducted by Idara in the month of May. The first prize was given to Afia Fayaz of Girls Higher secondary school old town baramulla, second prize Sadia majeed hanfia higher secondary school Azadgunj, third prize Amir Nazir Malla boys higher secondary school baramulla
ITIAR grounded its roots in Kashmir in 2004 to serve the Muslim community across the globe. Idara Tahqeeqat-e-Imam Ahamad Raza Kashmir was formed in 2004, to serve the Muslim community all around the globe. Organization has published 73000 books on different topics of Islamic faith and on drug de-addiction, science and education and distributed them free of cost in universities, colleges, schools, courts ,offices and talking to sidelines of the seminar president Idara Khursheed Ahmad Shah said, we are continuously trying our level best to spread the message of humanity.

Drug de-addiction seminar at Baramulla

Drug De Addiction Seminar At Sherwani Hall Baramulla